Hammond INNES
britischer Autor (Ralph Hammond Innes; 1913-98)
The Lonely Skier (1947)
# Snowbound (1947-GB; R: David MacDonald, B: David Evans, Keith Campbell; Hammond Innes, K: Stephen Dade, M: Cedric Thorpe Davie, D: Robert Newton, Dennis Price, Herbert Lom, Marcel Dalio, Stanley Holloway, Guy Middleton & Mila Parely) 85m
The White South (1949)
# Hell below Zero (Hölle unter Null, 1953-GB; R: Mark Robson, B: Alec Coppel, Max Trell; Richard Maibaum, K: John Wilcox, M: Clifton Parker, D: Alan Ladd, Joan Tetzel, Basil Sydney, Stanley Baker) 90m
Campbell's Kingdom (1952)
# Campbell's Kingdom (Gefährliches Erbe, 1957-GB; R: Ralph Thomas, B: Robin Estridge, K: Ernest Steward, M: Clifton Parker, D: Dirk Bogarde, Stanley Baker, Michael Craig, Barbara Murray) 102m
The Wreck of the Mary Deare (1956)
# The Wreck of the Mary Deare (Die den Tod nicht fürchten, 1959-USA * Michael Anderson)
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