australischer Autor (1916-91)
The Great Escape (1950)
# The Great Escape (Gesprengte Ketten, 1962-USA; R: John Sturges, B: James Clavell, W.R. Burnett, K: Daniel L. Fapp, M: Elmer Bernstein, D: Steve McQueen, James Garner, Richard Attenborough, James Donald, Charles Bronson, Donald Pleasence, James Coburn, Hannes Messemer, David McCallum) 168/73m
The Dam Busters (1951)
# The Dam Busters (The Dambusters, 1954-GB; R: Michael Anderson, B: R.C. Sheriff, K: Erwin Hillier, M: Leighton Lucas, D: Michael Redgrave, Richard Todd) 125m | + Buch Enemy Coast Ahead von Guy Gibson
Reach for the Sky: The Story of Douglas Bader (1954)
# Reach for the Sky (Allen Gewalten zum Trotz, 1956-GB; R: Lewis Gilbert, B: Lewis Gilbert; Vernon Harris, K: Jack Asher, M: John Addison, D: Kenneth More, Muriel Pavlow) 135m
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